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Restore? Or Refinish?

How to restore antiques with Wood Elixir
Example of an antique incubator being restored with Wood Elixir - Click to enlarge

Restore furniture or refinish furniture? That is the question. Here are some things to consider.

“Over-restoration has ruined many a fine piece of furniture. A beginner, through lack of knowledge and an excess of enthusiasm, will often attempt to remove every scar and blemish. This robs the piece of all that evidence which attests to its age and long usage, and as a result you have a piece which looks like a reproduction."

(Furniture Repair And Refinishing by Ralph Parsons Kinney)

FURNITURE REFINISHING COSTS MORE THAN YOU THINK. Refinishing a piece of antique furniture is expensive will reduce its value. Therefore, an antique purchased for $500 could cost another $500 to be refinished and be worth only $300 when completed!

The reason for this is that the original patina and characteristics attesting to the age and history of the piece have been removed and with it, a portion of the value.

There are literally hundreds of products on the market designed to address every aspect of your furniture concerns. You are required to buy SEVERAL products though, one to solve each problem.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was one product that would solve a multitude of problems?

And better still, if that product would solve problems when I don't know what they are or what cause them?

That product is called Wood Elixir.

Refinishing furniture requires considerable talent. On the other hand, you can do furniture finish restoration yourself. Quickly, easily and with no experience or expertise required.

Refinish AntiqueFurniture

Site last updated August 05, 2020, at 08:11 AM

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